24-Apr-2017 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Must-Have Mindfulness Tips for Human Resources

Date   :  April  24, 2017
Time   :  4 :00 PM ET /  1:00 PM PT 
- Earn 1 CSNM Point for Competency 6.0 - Human Resources Management
- Cost: Free to CSNM Members
You must attend the live webinar to receive a CE point. Telephone/audio only does not log your attendance.




he more relaxed we are, the more we accomplish and enjoy our work. So how do we do achieve that luxury with increasing demands on our time, wits and stamina?
You're at it all day, from one issue to the next, taking care of business in your HR department.  Big team or small,  there are Must-Have Mindfulness Tips you need to know to stay relaxed and sharp mentally, emotionally and physically. Mindfulness enhances brain capacity that over time,  improves focus, emotional intelligence, resilience, social skills, communication, ease in decision making, productivity and peace of mind. You’ll appreciate learning, practicing and enjoying these tools with your colleagues.

Just a few benefits of learning and practicing the "Mindful Minute" in this captivating, inter-active webinar:
- awareness of how to reduce physical and emotional stressors that lead to burn-out
- how to stay centred, calm and confident in conflict or upsetting conditions
- drop performance anxiety and procrastination to increase self-esteem and productivity
- create environments that are more productive, enjoyable and creative
- undo the brain's natural tendency to focus on problems, and re-frame to a "YES!" attitude that inspires the next right step

From the Harvard Business Review:
"Mindfulness should no longer be considered a "nice-to-have," it's a "must-have:" a way to keep our brains healthy, to support self-regulation, effective decision-making and a way to protect ourselves from toxic stress."

Dale Myerson

Transformational Speaker, Coach and Life Celebrant, Cheryl Brewster brings an infectious enthusiasm, humour and deep wisdom to her coaching, keynotes and seminars. She helps individuals and organizations to turn challenge upside down, to find its inherent benefit, and to use it for something spectacular.  Cheryl guides her clients from pain to power  in prosperity, health, relationships and peace of mind. Her skillset in  business, communication, self-development, intuition and mindfulness is unique, powerful and helps her clients get the results they want.